"Dont be sad.. You have two ears, lips, two hands, two legs, a tougue, a heart, peace, safety and a helathy body. You have the true Religion to live by,a house to live, rice to eat, water to drink and clothes to wear..
"Dont be sad.. If you are poor, the someone else is immersed in debt, If you do not own your own means of transportation, then someone else has been deprived of his legs. If you have reason to complain concerning the pains of sickness, them someone else has been bedridden for years..
"Dont be sad.. everything occurs according to preordainment and according to what has been decreed. And nothing happens in the Universe except through Allah's Knowledge, Permision and Devine Plan..
"Dont be sad.. Because your sadness pleases your enemy, angers your friend and make the jealous rejoice.."
"Dont be sad.. Because it causes the hearts to contract, the face to frown, the spirit to weaken and hope to vanish..."
"Dont be sad.. Sadness causes you to imagine poison when you are looking at pure water, to see a cactus when you are looking at a rose, to see a barren desert when you are in an unbearable prison when you are living on a vast and expansive earth...
sekian.. fadroy...
I needed this,thank you!